rev-ID : -
bugzilla:04126 – BiDi feature request: please create a variable {{CONTENTDIR}}
[ענדערן]The following pages may render differently depending on your browser.
- Mozilla Firefox and Netscape can not render
- <span dir="ltr" > <span dir="rtl" >[[meta:November 2005 image server|{{SITENAME}}]]</span> </span>
- Internet Explorer works fine
Please resize your the window of your browser and check if this has an influence on the rendering.
[ענדערן]MediaWiki:Sitenotice|oldid=6625 contains
'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make [[meta:November 2005 image server|{{SITENAME}}]] faster.
and generates in an RTL environment:
Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make װיקיװערטערבוך faster.
neither OK in Mozilla Firefox nor in Netscape
not OK in Konqueror
not OK in Internet Explorer
not OK in Opera
[ענדערן]MediaWiki:Sitenotice|oldid=6626 contains
'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make<span dir="ltr" > <span dir="rtl" >[[meta:November 2005 image server|{{SITENAME}}]]</span> </span>faster.
and generates in an RTL environment:
Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make װיקיװערטערבוך faster.
neither OK in Mozilla Firefox nor in Netscape – this is a browser bug
not OK in Konqueror
OK in Internet Explorer
OK in Opera
װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ) - Sitenotice&action=edit&oldid=6626
[ענדערן]MediaWiki:Sitenotice|oldid=6626 contains
'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make<span dir="ltr" > <span dir="rtl" >[[meta:November 2005 image server|װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)]]</span> </span>faster.
and generates in an RTL environment:
Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ) faster.
neither OK in Mozilla Firefox nor in Netscape – this is a browser bug
not OK in Konqueror; order is as in the original, but the link has an extra word with closing parenthesis.
OK in Internet Explorer
OK in Opera
[ענדערן]MediaWiki:Sitenotice|oldid=6184 contains
<center><span dir="ltr" >'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make [[meta:November 2005 image server|{{SITENAME}}]] faster.</span></center>
and generates in an RTL environment:
both OK in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape
not OK in Konqueror
OK in Internet Explorer
OK in Opera
style="unicode-bidi:embed;direction:ltr; - a
'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make <span style="unicode-bidi:embed;direction:ltr;">[[meta:November 2005 image server|{{SITENAME}}]]</span> faster.
and generates in an RTL environment:
Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make װיקיװערטערבוך faster.
both OK in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape
not OK in Konqueror
OK in Internet Explorer
OK in Opera
style="unicode-bidi:embed;direction:ltr; - b
[ענדערן]װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)
'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make <span style="unicode-bidi:embed;direction:ltr;">[[meta:November 2005 image server|װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)]]</span> faster.
and generates in an RTL environment:
Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ) faster.
the link in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape is at the right place but ")" is misplaced
not OK in Konqueror; order is as in the original, but the link has an extra word in open and close parentheses
same as in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape happens in Internet Explorer
same as in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape happens in Opera
‎ and ‏
[ענדערן]װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)
‎'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make [[meta:November 2005 image server|װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)]]‏ faster.‎
and generates in an RTL environment:
Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ) faster.
not shure about syntax
neither OK in Mozilla Firefox nor in Netscape
not OK in Konqueror, but the leftmost element of the last line is now "faster." whereas in other sections it is ".faster"
not in Internet Explorer
not OK in Opera
װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)
<span dir="ltr" >'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make <span dir="rtl" >[[meta:November 2005 image server|װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)]]</span> faster.</span>
and generates in an RTL environment:
Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ) faster.
both OK in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape
not OK in Konqueror; the link is always to the right of ".faster" (or at the left of the previous line), and ".faster" is always on the left side of the last line; see Image:Konqueror-screenshot.png
OK in Internet Explorer
OK in Opera

workaround for bugzilla:04126
װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)
<span dir="ltr" >'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make [[meta:November 2005 image server|װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)]] faster.</span>
and generates in an RTL environment:
Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ) faster.
the link in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape is at the right place but ")" is misplaced
not OK in Konqueror, similar to above in KISS section
same as in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape happens in Internet Explorer
same as in Mozilla Firefox and in Netscape happens in Opera
&lre;, &rle; and &pdf;
[ענדערן]װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)
&lre;'''Notice:''' Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make &rle;[[meta:November 2005 image server|װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)]]&pdf; faster.&pdf;
and generates in an RTL environment:
&lre;Notice: Uploads are disabled and images may not display for a few hours today while we make &rle;װיקיװערטערבוך (פּרוּװ)&pdf; faster.&pdf;
not shure about syntax; not &lre;, &rle; &pdf; but LRE, RLE, PDF
neither OK in Mozilla Firefox nor in Netscape
not OK in Konqueror, as above in KISS section but with additional lre and pdf tags appearing as text "lre;" or "&rle&"
not OK in Internet Explorer
not OK in Opera
see also
[ענדערן]bugzilla:04148 – Image does not show in preview
bugzilla:04149 – BiDi: [[Image:foo|frame]] overwrites following text in Mozilla Firefox and Netscape; does not show in Internet Explorer
landfill:003210 – different BiDi rendering in RTL environment between Firefox and Internet Explorer
bugzilla:04126 – BiDi feature request: please create a variable
see also here
bugzilla:04126 – BiDi feature request: please create a variable {{CONTENTDIR}}